BOOK REVIEW: Into the Water

Title: INTO THE WATER Author: Paula Hawkins Pages: 355 Genre: Thriller Publisher: Penguin Random House UK Summary: Death of Nel Abott brings her sister Jules back to their childhood home and the drowning pool. Nel is survived by her daughter Lena, a teenager, left in care of Jules. Who is actually responsible for the death of Nel Abott- her daughter? Or her sister? Or somebody else? Not just Lena's mother but story intersects with another mystery of Lena's best friend's death in the same pool. A fast paced psychological thriller that unfolds the mystery of all the deaths in the drowning pool. The endless questions and the endless history of drownings of women all answered and revealed to your eyes. My thoughts: ⭒Nel Abott has jumped to death in the drowning pool (or has she!?). Visiting childhood home again brings back old bitter memories to Jules or was it her mind deceiving her about her sister? The confusion is for real. The confusion that the author ai...