" Under the spreading chestnut tree I sold you and you sold me: There lie they, and here lie we Under the spreading chestnut tree." - 1984 by George Orwell Title: 1984 Author: George Orwell Genre: Dystopia No. of Pages: 310 Thoughts: 1984 is a 20th century dystopian book that screams the lunacy of totalitarian regime and the bleak future of the citizens. Though written in 1949, author is able to set up a vision of future that is equivalent to a citizen's nightmare. The book is written in three parts wherein each progressing part sets you up for the unpredictable climax. 1st part mostly gets you acquainted with the protagonist, his surrounding and the happenings. 2nd part is where more of feelings are exchanged and a lot of history is learned. The first two parts shows the answer to the question of the protagonist "how". 3rd part goes on to explain "why" ...